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Regular price $20.00
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The lion, also known as Panthera leo, is a large carnivorous mammal that belongs to the Felidae family. It is primarily found in sub-Saharan Africa, but also has a small population in the Gir Forest of India. Lions are known for their distinctive appearance, with males having a majestic mane and females being smaller and more agile. They are highly social animals, living in prides that consist of multiple females, their offspring, and a few dominant males. Lions are apex predators, feeding on a variety of prey including wildebeests, zebras, and buffalo. Their hunting strategies involve stealth and teamwork, with females often taking the lead in bringing down large prey. Lions have a powerful roar that can be heard from miles away, serving as a territorial display and a means of communication within the pride. As the king of the jungle, the lion commands respect and admiration. To witness this magnificent creature in its natural habitat is a truly awe-inspiring experience.